These two nouns are completely unrelated.
An auger is a kind of tool used for drilling holes by hand, such as in wood, or the Earth. It has a handle, which turns a screw-like shaft in order to make a hole.
Augur, on the other hand, means “a person who tells the future by reading omens” or the act of doing so. This word can be used as a noun or a verb:
The augur of the temple read my tea leaves and predicted success.
Higher ocean temperatures augur stronger hurricanes.
Note that we often use the combination augur well to mean “indicate a positive outcome”:
His performance on the test augurs well for his success in school.
More Examples of How to Use "Augur" in a Sentence
- Augury is the practice of using such predictions to influence future events.
- An augur is a person who practices divination, a type of supernaturalism that involves the attempt to predict the future.
- The augur predicted that there would be a famine next year.
- He was accused of using black magic to augur the death of the king.
- The auguries were not good; maybe we should cancel the wedding.
- His dark mood was an augury of things to come.
- The dark clouds that were looming overhead augured a storm.
- The broken window was an augur of more problems to come.
More Examples of How to Use "Auger" in a Sentence
- Earl used an auger to dig the hole.
- The auger drill was used for drilling holes for firewood on the property.
- The auger was dull and ineffective.
- Since it was rusted, I had to take the auger to the shop for repair.
- Augers can be powered by hand or by machine, depending on the size of the hole that needs to be drilled.
- They had a problem with their auger, and Oscar tried to fix it.
- The auger was kept in the garage and used only for emergencies.
- You can also use an auger for digging postholes, planting trees, or installing fence posts.