I started the blog section of this website over a year ago, and after some sober self-analysis, I’ve identified 5 big mistakes that I’ve made so far. My hope is that this post will be instructive for readers and that it creates some accountability for myself in applying what I’ve learned from these mistakes. Now, mistakes […]
Creating an Audience, Creating a Self: Blogging When the Seats are Empty
I’ve published 9 blog posts and over 80 pages on this site to date. In trying to build the site, I’ve faced numerous obstacles, but one in particular has got me vexed: I don’t know my audience. Actually, I have several ideas of who they might be. But that’s part of the problem. In imagining […]
5 Digital Tools for Storing Your Ideas (in case you need to jump into a lake)
You’ve generated ideas for your blog—now you need a good place to put them. Without a good system in place for managing your ideas, those ideas can become lost forever. Despite what Stephen King says about the good ideas tending to stick around, it’s better not to take chances. Trust me, it’s not a lesson […]
5 Simple Tips for Generating Ideas for a Blog Post
Blogs that consistently publish get more traffic. More blog posts mean more opportunities for readers to find a blog in the search engines, and new posts give readers a reason to come back. But continually coming up with good ideas for blog posts can feel daunting, even for experienced bloggers. In this post, I’ll share five strategies […]
5 Crucial Steps to Choosing a Blog Topic
Choosing a blog topic is like choosing a college major. Settling on a plan you feel a mix of emotions: relief, excitement, optimism, motivation, a tinge of self-satisfaction. But if you’ve chosen the wrong course of study, the work becomes a chore, your performance suffers, and you soon realize that you will be miserable if […]