Accidentally or Accidently?
The answer is that both spellings are acceptable, but accidentally is the safer choice.
According to the authoritative Merriam-Webster Dictionary, both spellings are correct; however, many people believe that accidently is an error and only accidentally is correct. This mistake is probably based on comparison with words such as mentally and dentally. Because accidently mirrors the way most English speakers pronounce the word, they opt for this spelling. But as you know, spelling something the way it is pronounced is so often wrong in English!
So, it is pronounced accidently and it can be spelled that way, but most English writers spell it accidentally, which is the safer choice in formal writing.
Technically okay: She accidently dropped the pizza.
Most commonly accepted: She accidentally dropped the pizza.
Accidentally/Accidently in a Sentence
- The lights were turned off accidentally.
- I accidentally dropped my phone in the sink, but somehow it still works!.
- I accidentally spilled a drink on the couch, but I cleaned it before getting caught.
- I accidentally ripped the book in half, so naturally, I failed the quiz.
- The toddler slowly walked to the table and then accidently knocked over my glass of milk.
- My mother accidently threw my favorite shirt in the garbage but luckily my dog found it.
- As I was driving to work, I accidentally ran a stop sign.
- Roberto was trying to cook dinner but accidentally burned the potatoes.
- Christine accidentally swallowed a fish bone while eating the casserole
- I accidentally deleted all of my files, even though I’m usually pretty tech savvy.