Role is a noun referring to a character or function (purpose), such as a character in a play, a social role, or the purpose of a machine or process:
Every actor wants to play the role of Hamlet.
Her older sister played the role of her mother when she was growing up.
What role does eating meat play in climate change?
Respect plays an important role in relationships.
The last sentence above means that “respect serves an important purpose in relationships.” We usually say that someone or something plays a role. You may also have heard of role-playing games (RPGs). Such as Dungeons and Dragons, where people play games as fictional characters.
Roll, on the other hand, is a much more material word and has many meanings. All of roll’s meanings relate to a particular motion—the motion of a ball or wheel rolling across the ground—or the shape outlined by that motion—a spiral. Here are some of roll’s many meanings:
As a noun:
– a bun (a small round form of bread), such as a dinner roll.
– a piece of paper or cloth that is rolled up—like a carpet in storage.
– various foods in the shape of rolled paper, such as egg rolls and sushi rolls.
– other objects, such as hair-rolls (also hair-buns) and bankrolls (rolled up money).
– a list of names (as if written on a roll of paper).
– the sound of quickly repeated concussions, such as a drum roll or rolling thunder.
As a verb:
– to move by spinning on an axis, like a wheel or ball—or a rolling stone
– to create a roll, such as to roll a cigarette.
– to cause something to roll; for example:
We enjoyed rolling balls down the hill.
We also call the wheels on the bottom of furniture, rollers. And we can say that periods of time roll by. Finally, we use the word roll in many other unique phrases:
to roll the cameras = ‘to begin filming’
to roll (your) ‘r’s = ‘to make Spanish ‘r’s’
to roll into one = ‘to put together into one thing’
to roll in X = ‘to enjoy having more than enough of X’
X rolls off your tongue = ‘X (a word) is easy and pleasant to pronounce’
let’s roll! = ‘let’s go!’
to roll dice = ‘to throw dice’ or ‘to take a risk’
to be on a roll = ‘to have multple successes, one after another’
And let us not forget rock and roll (or the rock band The Rolling Stones)! Rock and roll originally described the motions of the bodies—especially the hips—of young people dancing to this music, which was considered dangerously sexual when Elvis Presley started it.
Using "Role" in a Sentence
- The role he assigns to himself is that of peacemaker.
- I need you to play a more active role in this conversation.
- The role of the parent must be to provide and protect their family and they must be a good leader.
- When Dick was asked to be a mentor for a younger student in his grade, he knew his role was to be a great example.
- Although initially relectant to accept it, I was assigned the role as the leader of this team.
- Johnny got the role of the rich person in the episode.
- Roleplaying has taught the child how to socialize and how to behave with people that act different from him or her.
- It seems that our way of life is dictated by unreal images of what we call a role model
Using "Roll" in a Sentence
- Lindsey rolled up the dough and created these delicious cinnamon rolls.
- The egg cracked and spilled, causing it to roll away from me.
- The little girl went over to the table and asked for more rolls of paper towels.
- I guess I'll roll over and go to sleep now.
- The crust of the pizza was too hard, so I rolled it in some sugar to soften it up.
- I rolled my eyes and said "Oh, come on."
- Juan had to roll down the car window because it was so hot.
- The man rolled his sleeves up, exposing his botched tattoos.