Although ideal is a form of idea, their meanings are a bit different. Because, in casual speech, idea means “thought or concept” while ideal means “perfect or best.”
These words have long histories. Idea comes from an ancient Greek word, eidos, meaning “image” as well as “idea” and is related to the Greek philosopher Plato’s famous belief that perfect abstractions, such as the perfect circle, exist in a non-material world of perfect ideas (images).
Nowadays, idea simply means “thought or concept” but ideal still means “perfect or best”—or you might say ideal means “the best one can imagine”:
Most people are always unsatisfied because nothing in reality is ideal.
You should also be aware of the word idealism, which is not about perfection, or ideas! Idealism is the philosophical belief that everything, the whole world, exists inside a mind, or consciousness—that the "real" world is like a dream. The opposite belief is philosophical materialism—that idea that only material exists.
Examples of How to Use "Idea" in a Sentence
- I have a great idea for a new TV show.
- I always have these great ideas, but they never work out.
- My idea of a perfect night includes pizza and Netflix.
- I had an idea to start a blog—that was the easy part.
- It's a good idea; unfortunately, I don't think it will work considering our tight budget.
More Examples of How to Use "Ideal" in a Sentence
- An ideal way to run your business is to make sure you have a clearly defined mission statement.
- Additionally, make sure your product idea is an ideal fit for your audience and for your business.
- He's an ideal employee: hard working and full of initiative.
- Try our new dish; It is the ideal choice for those who enjoy both salty and sweet flavors.
- If I could design an ideal house for me, it would have an indoor pool and be really big.
- I always thought my ideal job would be to work from home, but after working remotely for more than a year, I am ready to go back to the office an interact in person again.
- I don't know how you could be so idealistic.
- She is an idealist, but I am a realist.
- They had a world of imagination and idealism that was crushed by the reality of the situation.